Advise relating to restitution applications
The restitution applications concern works of art that are held by the Dutch State (Dutch National Art Collection) or are in other collections held in the Netherlands, for example by a provincial or local authority institution, a foundation or a private individual (other collections).
If an artwork is held by the Dutch State, the Restitutions Committee advises the Minister of Education, Culture and Science. In such cases the Restitutions Committee advises in accordance with the frameworks and policy guidelines specified by the government. The Minister reviews the reasonableness of the Committee’s recommendation in respect of these frameworks and policy guidelines. The Minister then takes a decision about the restitution application.
If an artwork is not held by the Dutch State, the Restitutions Committee issues a binding opinion to the current holder of the artwork and the former owner or their heirs.
In restitution cases concerning the Dutch National Art Collection, which also includes the NK Collection, or another collection, a comprehensive investigation is conducted before advice or a binding opinion is issued.